Benefits Of Masterwort Plant In Our Health


Masterwort Plant And Its Applications

Herba of Santa Caterina, Masterwort Plant, Imperatoria, [ostruthium Name: Imperatoria ( ostruthium) Type: Herbaceous Family: Umbelíferas Catalan: Herba of Santa Caterina.

Habitat: Land siliceous

Flowering: Summer
Is used: Rhizome and root Uses:Tonic, diuretic, stimulating.

The  Masterwort Plant is a grass lively that can reach up to 60 cm in height if the ground conditions are appropriate.

The strain that possesses is quite thick, a chestnut color, inwardly very clear, recording and milky. The leaves are divided into segments ovates lobed and are a little stiff. The fruit of the imperatoria is rounded.
It grows in wet meadows, on the edge of streams and in general in areas where not missing the water  and on general  areas where never lack the water.

The imperatoria flowers in summer, always that the humidity of the soil is adequate. For medicinal purposes are collected the rhizome and root. Must be picked up with careful not to leave part of the root in the ground. Once collected, it is carefully cleaned, cut into slices and dried in the shade.

* Diuretic: Mild
* Stimulating: Mild
* Tonic: Moderate

The rhizome imperatoria contains varying amounts of a substance which by its flavor and aroma reminiscent of the Angelica. This essence is almost entirely composed of the so-called terpenes, an alcohol and palmitic acid.

The rhizome and root are tonic, stimulant, diuretic and carminatives. In fact, all of these actions is very soft, not being a plant particularly active or problematic in regard to possible adverse effects.

In the Old no one made mention of it, at least until after the Middle Ages; then it appears that claimed some fame and during a short time its medicinal properties were acclaimed. However, she returned to fall into oblivion. Today it seems that is indicated in some digestive problems that attend released. Hyposecretion gastric, i.e. when the stomach does not secrete its juices in sufficient quantity.


* Infusion. The infusion is prepared from the root or rhizome, which should be harvested in autumn, when the rod is already dry. For its preparation are required about 15 g of root powder or rhizome that is added to 1/2 liter of boiling water. Once cold, it is strained. Must be taken two cups a day, after meals.If we want to achieve an increase in the expectoration, the infusion must be served very hot.


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