How Much Fiber Should We Eat Daily


Natural Fiber


In this article we will give a brief overview of daily natural fiber requirement in our diet. Then in the following sections we are going to start a series of articles where we will deepen different important aspects to consider for each of the fiber's  properties, characteristics  and recommendations.

Dietary fiber has many benefits including the capacity to help against a number of chronic diseases harmful to health. Foods whole wheat, lentils, fruits and vegetables are important sources of dietary fiber.

There is a Dietary Reference Intake (DRI ) of fiber for adults and children, It is recommended cover the established quantity with natural foods instead of using capsules. However there are also high in fiber natural supplements on the market. Practical guides to take sufficient amount of dietary fiber are also suggested.

Most of the fiber in the diet is provided by unrefined cereals and products made with them, such as whole wheat or rye bread, brown rice , etc. Fruits and vegetables also contribute to fiber intake, particularly soluble fiber.

How much fiber should be taken ?
The amount of fiber is recommended depending on the amount of calories consumed per day. You can get an estimate of 3 grams per 239 calories. For an adult woman with an energy intake of 2150 calories per day , the required amount of daily fiber reach the 27 gr.

For a man in adulthood with an energy intake of 2630 calories a day , the daily amount of fiber would be 33 grams. These values are calculated relative to an average level of activity.

Inadequate intake: Generally daily fiber intake is insufficient in the majority of the population. Just with a greater contribution of fruit and vegetables in the diet,would approach  to the recommended  type values.

Highest natural fiber foods
Valuable Vegetables for example, broccoli, cauliflower and brussels sprouts are vegetables that have optimal characteristics in this regard because  they are vegetable fibers that contain substances that help prevent cancer even after cooking kept high in vitamins.

Side effects: Many people worry about the risks of excessive consumption of fruit and vegetables.If your health is good, a high consumption of fruit and vegetables does not create problems as long as they are used to eating fiber quantity. Otherwise, it can cause loose stools, bloating or flatulence , effects which disappear as the body adjusts to the new habits.


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