Mediterranean Diet A Good Election


Benefits Of Mediterranean Diet

When summer arrives, those who are overweight are especially aware of the fact and more when they are in a bathing suit. There is a diet that is especially nice to continue in the summer season, and it is the Mediterranean Diet.

The reason that the Mediterranean diet fits securely in the summer is that the majority of the foods to which it represents are seasonal or exported quickly. A lot of fresh vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and seeds. In addition to a good dose of extra favorite virgin olive oil , and the fishing season keeps fresh seafood.

In addition the Mediterranean diet focuses on high-quality food, in limited quantities, with products grown locally are the best option of all. And of course, what better time to hit the farmer's market that loading a basket of fresh products of the summer season.

Summer and the mediterranean diet also go well together, because the recipes for Mediterranean dishes are lighter and are easier to digest. A thick stew or a fatty roast  is comforting in the winter when your body, of course, you want to save to burn calories to combat the cold. However during the summer, the heat and humidity combine to make heavy meals unattractive while a salad with extra virgin olive oil and a splash of lemon juice sounds like a great idea.

As always, the Mediterranean diet is done with the intention of reducing the portions that we are consuming at the same time. Plates and bowls get smaller, and focus on never miss a meal, but always eat a reasonable portion. Remember that the Mediterranean diet is not a diet "accident"  but a stable lifestyle, sensible that you must have, a means of long-term commitment to work.

Definition of the mediterranean diet
There is no definition of mediterranean diet totally accepted, although frequently has been recognized as the traditional eating pattern typical of the countries in the Mediterranean area in half the twentieth century, approximately in the years 50-60.  The most important features we could summarize in:

1)  A high consumption of vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts and whole grains.

2)  A high intake of olive oil used both for cooking as to accompany the

3)  Low intake of saturated fat

4)  A low intake of meat and processed meat products

5)  A low to moderate intake of dairy products mainly in the form of
cheese and yogurt

6)  A moderate fish consumption

7)  A regular but moderate intake of wine

8)  A low consumption of cream, butter and margarine

9)  A high consumption of garlic, onion and spices

Mediterranean diet is a good way to weight loss
The mediterranean diet is relatively rich in fat of vegetable origin. The majority of populations of this area consumes between 33 and 42% of the energy in the form of lipids.

The monounsaturated fatty acids are without doubt the most widely consumed, being their main source of olive oil. Approximately 15% of the total caloric intake is consumed in the form of protein and the remainder in the form of carbohydrates.


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