Water Is A Unique Mineral


Water: A Singular Blessing

Water, a compound extraordinarily simple, is however a substance with characteristics so exceptional and unique, that without it, the life is impossible. The man has need for water to perform their vital functions, to prepare and cook food,hygiene and household uses, to irrigate the fields, for industry, for the power plants: in a word, to live.

The water is in the man, the liquid in which occurs the the process of life and in fact, the survival of the cells depends on its ability to maintain the volume and cellular homeostasis.

It is essential for virtually all the functions of the body and is also its most abundant component.

However,although we depend of it, our body is not able to synthesize it in sufficient quantities or store it, so you must ingesting regularly.

For this reason, the water is a real nutrient that must be part of the diet in quantities much higher than any other nutrient.

Why we need water
There are organisms capable of live without light, even without oxygen, but neither can live without water. As Brian Hildreth wrote "a man can live days without eating, but only 2-5 days without water".

We can lose almost all the fat and nearly half of the protein in our body and still alive, but the loss of only 1-2% of body water affects the thermoregulation and the cardiovasculary respiratory systems and significantly limits the physical and mental ability; a greater hypo hydration  can have fatal consequences .

Water sources are not "pure" water
In addition, we must not lose sight of the fact that in nature never find the water to the chemicals, that is to say, the pure water, colorless, odorless, colorless and tasteless.

The water of the rivers, groundwater, rainwater and  water that we drink always contains other dissolved substances that  even in small quantities, provide organoleptic qualities nutritious and so the water must also be considered a food, a component of our diet, an essential ingredient in the kitchen,contributing to the supply of some nutrients and also improving gastronomic value of the culinary recipes.

Water and life
Known the dependency of living beings have about the water and the imprint which has been in the history of mankind, the question is, that makes it so differentt from other. The "secret" of its outstanding features is precisely its composition and structure, conferred upon it the largest number of physical and chemical properties "abnormal" between the common substances, and this "personality" is responsible for its essentiality in homeostasis, structure and function of cells and tissues of the body.

When compared with molecules of similar molecular weight and composition, the water has unique physical properties due to its polar nature and its ability to build links by bridge of hydrogen with other molecules.


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