Avoiding Couperose And Skin Treatment


Couperose Skin Condition

Sensitive skin care

Couperose is a skin condition that occurs when there is a skin microcirculation problem, particularly in face skin. This problem causes some small varicose veins forming in certain areas of the face, especially the cheeks and in the nostrils. Affected individuals generally tend to have delicate, thin and clear skin.

This condition , usually affecting more women than men, gives burning sensation and can sting, although this is not a serious problem.
Instead, it is a cosmetic problem.

Many people look for a solution and therefore turn to cover with makeup unsightly veins that form, but  at present,there are treatments non-invasive from aesthetic medicine that effectively solve this problem.

What causes couperose?

The factors that produce or increase the occurrence of blotches are:

* Heredity , if there is a family history, is more likely to have couperose.

* Spicy foods

* Too hot drinks

* Snuff

* Alcohol

* Sudden temperature changes

People who have a delicate thin ,skin clear, they should take more care to avoid the appearance of couperose in times of extreme heat or cold. It is recommended, depending on the skin characteristics, use a cream that provides sufficient necessary hydration .

This is because the skins that tend to have couperose are generally dry skins. Moreover, it is always better to use creams and toners that contain no perfumes or alcohol.

Couperose treatment

In this case the skin that continuously has redness or small varicose veins or telangiectasias reddish or purple is advisable to go to specialized medical centers. The most effective treatment for couperose removal veins is the neodymium YAG laser treatment. With this technique the superficial capillaries are destroyed in order to get rid of unsightly telangiectases.

Neodymium YAG laser technique for couperose removing  is a bit painful treatment with very lasting results. This technique is not damaged nearby tissuesonly affects the selected  venous capillary. Therefore, it is a lasting alternative wich ultimately it is more profitable than makeup excessive use.


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