Bioconstruction For Our Health


Healthy Bioconstruction

Ecological construction
A part of radiation created by man, there are a series of forces, telluric and  natural cosmic in some cases may be harmful to health. However, used correctly are more beneficial than harmful. Bioconstruction includes a number of useful knowledge to avoid the adverse effects of those forces in our homes.

First, it is worth mentioning the existence of a cross linked or electromagnetic grid that extends by way of walls or energetic partition of about 21 cm thick.

They are called Hartmann lines, its  discovery is due Dr. Hartmann. These lines extend from north to south and from east to west, and are separated by a distance about 2.5 meters.

There are several methods to locate these lines in our house, using metal rods, divining rod or some similar technique of dowsing .

The most negative points of this grid are the intersections between the transverse and longitudinal lines , ie each vertex of the grid. Thus, if our bed is positioned so that a portion of our body is exposed overnight at an intersection , it could bring upon long term any problems in that body's area .

Therefore, if we suspect that this case might occur, we could change the bed room and observe any possible change. Seems that the effects of these intersections could be exacerbated when below the point in question passes a vein of groundwater.

Very anciently men known these lines and knew how to locate them, using this knowledge to build their homes and villages. Also knew how to deflect the lines: it was found that ancient megalithic monuments and stones placed seemingly randomly performed the function of diverting those energies for specific purposes.

Moreover, animals also detected lines. For example , where one sole dog lie down to rest can be sure that there is no negative confluence. However, cats have preference for these intersections, which are certainly beneficial to their health, which we should not rely of places where sole stand a cat.

Regarding the placement of the bed is advised to do it so that the head points north or east and feet to the south or west. As for the house will always be preferable to live in a ground floor .In some countries it is common practice to build houses so as to facilitate the draining of radon gas, a natural gas heavier than air, which seeps into homes through the doors of the ground floor and can accumulate in poorly designed houses.

It is also important to choose materials that will build our house, because there are some ( such as asbestos, for example) that can be harmful to health. It is not the aim of this work deeper into this, but the theme is quite broad.

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