Cancer And Harmful Environmental Pollution-2


Environmental Pollution Effects And Cancer

The earth is full of toxic substances, the vitality of the soil is becoming weaker ; plants growing on it are becoming less healthy.

The hole in the ozone layer is getting more impressive every time; we take extra precautions with more sun. An estimated of one species becomes extinct every eight hours, and actually there are about 33,000 endangered species.

Pollution effects and environment
In the last quarter of the twentieth century has disappeared 10% of the global forest area, are missing half of the freshwater ecosystems, global warming continues to advance, etc. . And while wood production has grown by 75 % , cement consumption will hit 400% , the number of vehicles are becoming exorbitant, etc.

Why all this? The economic interest , the desire for power,the laziness, complacency and thousands and thousands of psychological factors that make the man a prisoner of his own jail. Do not presume to be the creation kings, because we could not even control ourselves. Openly admit that so far we have suspended the lesson. Our failure is slightly less than obvious.

All this could reversed: return to nature we remove certain luxuries, but we can live in harmony with our environment and with ourselves, thus improving the health of the planet and ours. No need to investigate genetic processes,not concern us at all, let's focus on live and let live worthily all and see how all the terrible diseases gradually disappear.

Why start new courses when we have not yet approved this? This return to nature is virtually impossible; hardly will happen.

Even and seeing the critical situation in which we find ourselves, far from reversing, increasingly civilized society going faster toward catastrophe, economic indicators are increasingly favorable in First World countries,while developing countries are  more and more in misery. Thus, the resources generously offered us always our Mother Earth are being fleeced awkwardly.

Even so, something we can do. But something that starts with us . Not Pretendchange the society unless we change ourselves.
Let us be respectful as possible with our surroundings, as we draw near much to nature as possible and see how nature itself is responsible for reward. Let's give our body what it most needs, and it will give us the well-being and health.

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