Cancer Transgenic Products And Snuff


Transgenic Products(GMO) And Snuff

Under pressure from sectors opposed to creation of transgenic beings, the scientific community was limited to ensure that not reversed any danger to the global ecosystem, and also not for human consumption.

This response was not endorsed by any scientific study, as there were no specific data on the effect of these practices.

Furthermore, the common sense seemed to indicate that the use of GMO material was something very unnatural :

Men playing to be God, playing with something that is widely unreasonable and escapes to human knowledge.

Well, we already have the data of the first studies about the effect of GMO products.

On the one hand, it was found the lethal Bt transgenic corn pollen effect on monarch butterfly larvae ( Danaus plexipus ).

This the conclusion they have reached in two studies by two different universities: University of Iowa and Cornell University. Another study conducted by a German researcher, has shown that certain transgenic plant genes pass to digestive system bacteria of bees.

This is just the beginning. There are still no data on the effect on human beings. But what makes us to think that we will be immune from this unnatural experiment?

 Let's keep playing to be "gods"?

Snuff and cancer
In Spain is estimated that in 1995 about 23,000 people died from cancer caused by snuff. This represents approximately one death every 23 minutes. This number is expected increases mainly by smoking among women  in the coming years.

We can get an idea from the social and economic impact of this phenomenon, without the suffering caused to millions of people worldwide. And if that were not enough, smoking also causes other deadly diseases that are not included in these numbers.

Have been discovered until now a total of 43 carcinogens in smoke snuff. One of the worst is carbon monoxide, which extracts oxygen from red blood cells, which, added to the effect of nicotine on the heart , forces it to pump faster, thereby causing the characteristic of smokers tired by an effort least. Another dangerous substance is tar, which forming a dirty coat, draping inside the lungs and being the main cause of cancer.

Among the most common types of cancer from smoking we find, lung cancer found ( 90% of lung cancers are directly caused by snuff ), larynx , esophagus and bladder. But it can also cause mouth cancer, pancreas, stomach , kidney, and cervix. It is also a frequent cause of :

* Lung diseases such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis, or asthma.

* Coronary heart disease : angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. It also aggravates conditions such as diabetes and arteriosclerosis.

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