Pesticides, Herbicides, Chemical Fertilizers And Cancer-1


Pesticides, Herbicides And Chemical Fertilizers

Pesticides and cancer
Vegetables current consumption are becoming less vital due to the sharp increase tha have experienced by use of chemicals. Accelerate production is the priority on farms.

In this way, we forget that the earth is a living being, and as such, has a metabolism that we must respect if we want to give healthy products for a long time.

Through the use of chemical fertilizers and overuse of soil , it loses its strength, to the point that it withers and dies slowly.

The imbalance that produces chemical fertilizers contributes even more to the land  weakness, and therefore the plants that grow in it.

Harmful effects of pesticides
An apple " golden " for example, comes to pass for more than 20 chemical treatments before being stored for later human consumption. Apart from the chemical residues left on the plant surface, it also absorbs abnormal substances. All these products are harmful for human consumption because of its demonstrated toxicity.

Thus, due to this weakness, vegetables are much more prone to diseases because the natural defenses that they also have, are depleted. That's when pests will appear, that destroy crops at ease, helped by the plant  weakness.

To avoid this, apply other synthetic elements : pesticides . They finish with plague , but also contribute to increasing  weakness and disease of soil and plant, and exterminate the call useful fauna , ie beings (insects ,microorganisms, etc.) responsible for proper functioning of the soil.

The functions of these beings is the nutrients breakdown from the subsoil to be assimilated directly by plants through their roots.We could say that these form the plant's digestive system.

There are also harmless living beings for plants that are responsible for predation of harmful pests. If we use chemical fertilizers and pesticides, useful fauna will die besides the pest, the soil will intoxicate and will  be weaken and the plants will suffer a significant  health deterioration.

Thus, when a new pest appears, will run much more strongly by the lack of predators and the weakness of the plant, which will be double the pesticide amount applied, thus closing a fatal vicious circle.

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