Rediscovering Ancient Ayurvedic Massages


Ayurveda treatment

Ayurvedic massage gets its name from the "Ayurveda" . Ayurveda translates from Sanskrit " Science of Life": Ayur = Life, Veda = Science, and uses only natural products and plants.

There are different types of Ayurvedic massage " Abhyanga  or byanga"massage  with base oil all over the body, " Shirodhara " massage that pour a splash of oil on the forehead, or " Kansu " massage the soles of the feet with bowl.

Ayurvedic massage helps to harmonize the three constituent elements of being according to the principles of Ayurveda:

Vata (Air, energy of motion. Nervous and hormonal system), Pitta (Fire, energy transformation. Digestive system and enzymes), Kapha ( earth energy of cohesion. Fluids ).

This massage is a beautiful and effective support in cases of fatigue, insomnia, depression and ankylosis . Ayurvedic massage is individualized and tailored to the patient's constitution and his imbalances.

If the massage is not balanced and is inadequate, may aggravate the "dohas " ( main vital forces of the body ) and cause physical imbalances and emotionals. The main objective of Ayurvedic massage is to restore balance to the body and maintain health and combat physical and mental stress so therefore it takes into account the vital points on the body called marmas.

Ayurvedic massage gives us many benefits: Since generate us positive emotions and relieve us from stress until to act on the circulatory, lymphatic, and nervous energy system. It is also one of the most effective methods to combat aging skin, nourishing and purifying at the cellular level.

Recently the scientists have discovered that Ayurvedic massage reduces the activity of free radicals, one of the triggering factors of cellular aging, cancer and heart disease.

Here are just some of the benefits provided by this technique of massage :

• Comprehensive harmonization of the person.

• Spiritual development

• Improvement of vision, body posture and bone structure.

• Increase resistance to diseases.

• Delay aging.

• Improvement of energy flow.

• Harmonization of the lymphatic system and blood.

• Muscle Flexibility.

• Elimination of toxins

• Improvement of the nervous system.

• Elimination of fatigue.

• Relaxation

Tomato Juice Health Benefitts


Tomato juice benefits

Tomato juice is a beverage that contains the nutrients required by our body. It also has a unique flavor and is refreshing.

Tomato nutritional properties
Among the nutritional value of tomato juice one of the most important is that it contains lycopene, a substance with anti-cancer and the disease preventive properties. The best way to take this drink for that nutrient is preparing the juice with fresh tomatoes.

Another significant element is the nutritional calories that tomato juice provides. Per 180 ml  we drink, we are incorporating 31 calories. In turn, the consumption of saturated and polyunsaturated fats is zero and the total fat is minimum, important data for diets to lose weight.

Tomato juice is an essential source of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin A and C, responsible for combating free radicals and the process of cell oxidation . It also contains vitamin K, vitamin B complex, high amounts of iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.

To the being rich in fiber helps to reduce the bad cholesterol in the body. But also contain niacin, an important cholesterol regulator . It is highly advisable then drink regularly a tasty glass of juice.

Benefits of drinking tomato Juice

Drink tomato juice provides us with the following benefits:

* Heart: people with heart problems should drink tomato juice frequently. It is also recommended to prevent heart attacks and other heart disorders in healthy people.

* Blood Pressure: tomato juice helps to significantly reduce blood pressure in the body, due to the potassium it contains.

* Skin Care : Another of the benefits of tomato juice is favoring skin care, as we rid of acne, pimples and other types of infections skin.

* It's great to keep the skin clean and moisturized.

* Alcoholism : Drink tomato juice can be very beneficial for people that suffering from alcoholism, because helping to counteract the effects of a hangover.

* Arthritis: because its  high content in vitamin C, consuming fresh tomato juice strong the immune system and the body is more prepared for combating the inflammation of arthritis and pain that accompany this illness.

Walking Barefoot Really Health Beneficial


Multiple benefits of walking barefoot - (continuation)

The most scientists that working in this area now believe that the beneficial effects are mediated through the reduction of inflammation and thinning of the blood.

In fact the effect of blood thinning is so deep that if you are taking medication to thin the blood would be advisable to consult your doctor immediately because probably your medicine will have to be decreased.

Two ways that will guarantee to keep in touch with the earth

The effects of contact with the earth seem so profound that researchers recommended that doctors prescribe sessions with bare feet as the temperature permits.

This is so simple as it sounds; take off your shoes and socks and walk barefoot on the grass, the dust, sand or whatever.

Studies suggest that the benefits such as pain relief and decrease stress may occur in only 30 to 80 minutes of walking barefoot at any time of day.

This obviously could be a problem during the winter or if you live in an urban area without easy access to parks or other surface where you can walk barefoot ,so the other option would be to use pillows earthing or grounding that allowing you to obtain the benefits of electrons from the ground despite being indoors, especially while you are asleep.

I have been using a pillow for months, especially when I have to travel and suspected that the air on planes cause weakening of the bio- electric currents.

So, as the access to regular sun exposure, walking barefoot outside the home is an extremely sloppy practice that can be corrected easily. In the Journal of Environmental and Public Health, the researchers concluded that :

A new evidence shows that the contact with the ground, either inside or outside the home, connecting the earth conductor systems, this could be an effective and simple but  profound strategy against chronic stress, dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, inflammation, pain, insomnia, disorders with changes in your heart rate, hyper coagulated blood and many other health problems, including cardiovascular disease.

The research carried out to date supports the notion that the concept of earthing or grounding ( ground contact ) could be an essential element in the health equation  along with the sun, fresh air and water, nutritious food and physical activity.

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Walking Barefoot Is Beneficial For Health


Significant benefits of walking barefoot - (continuation)

What happens when we absorb free electrons from the earth?
The scientific theory behind the health benefits seen by this simple practice is that because the earth has one more negative charge that your body, you end up absorbing electrons.

This well established,although not well known understanding that the surface of the earth has a constant and unlimited supply of free electrons as consequence of a global atmospheric electric circuit.

The shoes with insulating soles and / or sleep in beds that are isolated from the electrical surface of the earth, has caused that many people are disconnected from the electrical rhythms of the earth and the free electrons.

A recent article demonstrated that connect the body to the earth during sleep ( earthing ) normalizes the daily cortisol rhythm and improves sleep. A variety of other benefits were reported, including a decrease in pain and inflammation.

Subsequent studies have confirmed these findings and have documented past clinical and psychological effects almost immediately after your body has had contact with the ground.

For simplicity, it is believed that the flow of free electrons from the surface of the earth help neutralize free radicals and thus reduce chronic inflammation and acute, which is the root of many health conditions and accelerated aging.

The review of research shows significant benefits of Earthing.
In a new article published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health , researchers conducted the research process of Earthing, which revealed an impressive impact on various health conditions.

Most of the studies included methods of internal tests that simulated being barefoot outside. It was found that this help to improve the following conditions:

The researchers wrote that, another invaluable benefit is that when your body touches the ground, the electric potential regulates by the electric potential of the earth through a transfer of electrons going from the earth to your body.

This in turn provides protection against electromagnetic fields that are ubiquitous in the environment.

The study performed by Richard Feynman who won the Nobel Prize for his conference in electromagnetism, confirm that the effect of  protection by the contac of your body with the earth.

Feynman said that when the potential of your body is the same as the electric potential of the earth, it becomes an extension of the giant electrical system of the earth. Then the potential of the earth becomes in the functional agent that reduces and removes  or sets aside the electrical fields of your body.

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Walking Barefoot Is Essential For Health


Benefits of walking barefoot

When was the last time you took off your shoes and enjoy feel the earth beneath your feet?. Maybe it's hard to believe, but commit to this simple pleasure could give to your health the momentum you much-need.

In some cases engage in activities that make you feel good on an intrinsic level is actually good for your health such as feeling the rays of the sun warming your skin.

Another case is walking barefoot outside with the soles of the feet free to touch the ground - it is an activity called Grounding or Earthing.

We are electrical beings
You are an electrical being, and the surface of the earth is electrically conductive.

You are an electrical being, your body regularly produces positive charges that can oxidize or damage it in case of excess.

The land surface is electronically conductive, maintains a negative charge with a free supply of electrons that continuously is loaded by the global atmospheric electric circuit.

It has been established, although is not a widely appreciated fact that the surface of the earth has an unlimited supply and continually renewed of free electrons.

There is much evidence that suggests that the potential of the earth can create a stable internal bioelectrical environment for normal functioning of all body systems.

Moreover, the oscillations of the intensity of the potential of the earth can be very important to establish the biological clock that regulates diurnal body rhythms, such as the secretion of cortisol.

Connection to the earth surface
There is also growing research that shows that this connection to the earth surface plays a vital role in preventing diseases and also offers a variety of benefits, from improved sleep to pain relief .

The problem is, that while humans have historically spent much of their time naked on earth (both walking and sleeping, sheltered by animal skins, which allow them electrons into their bodies ), today this vital connection has been lost.

Through history, humans have walked barefoot or with shoes made of animal skins. Slept on the floor or on the skins.

Through direct contact or through perspiration dampening the skins of animals used for footwear or mats for sleeping, the abundant free electrons from the earth were able to enter into the body, which is electrically conductive.

Electric potential of the earth
Through this mechanism, each part of your body could be balanced by the electric potential of the earth, so stabilizing the electrical environment of all organs, tissues and cells. The modern lifestyle has drastically separate humans from the primary flow of electrons from the earth.

For example, since the 60s, we used the insulating rubber or plastic shoe soles and instead of traditional animal skin; obviously no longer sleep on the floor as we used to do in the past.

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Foods That Help Eliminate Body Ffluids


Detoxify your body

Food is a very important factor in order to alleviate some disorders such as in the case of fluid retention, as there are several foods that can exacerbate this complication.

Some fresh fruits and vegetables will give to the body the ability to reduce toxins in the organism and also help the liver to metabolize fats better.

Increase your metabolism
Among some recommended foods can highlight the artichokes or artichokes, these stimulate liver activity by promoting metabolism, contain high levels of fiber, and fights constipation especially one that is bound by specific cases of cellulitis.

It is important to incorporate to the daily diet fresh fruit, in this case include apples, these reduce the cholesterol and also combat obesity.

Cabbage is a great vegetable that acts as protector of veins and capillaries,combat poor circulation and is detoxifier, it is recommended to consume it raw to maximize its properties.

Other important vegetables include chicory, this cleans the liver and purifies the blood, and functions as a potent antioxidant for the body.

And spinach is a good source of fiber, this generates satiety, helps blood circulation and prevents undesirable cellulite. It should be noted as positive consumption of Green Tea, invigorates and stimulates the production of adrenaline, and limits the absorption of calories.

Among other important food is the Parsley,very recommended, this is one of the best blood purifying.
The Parsley is very good when it is consumed raw, minced in meats and salads, as it promotes blood circulation and its high content of vitamin C acts as a very good antioxidant and as a detoxifier.

Diet, Weight Loss And Physical Activity


Physical activity and diet

Physical activity is an important tool for the Doctor who advises and for anyone who wants to reduce the body weight.

It has been shown by various investigations, that doing exercise at low or moderate intensity, consume a greater proportion of fat and is better for weight and body composition, preserving or increasing slightly the lean mass or muscular.

Only with the exercise is expected a  very slow weight loss rate, this does not mean that people who want to control their weight should stop exercising , what this means is that simply reducing caloric intake can cause weight loss body much more than exercise, but will be much more effective if we combine the two ,diet and exercise, as demonstrated by several studies.

People the more exercise, will  be in better physical shape and better physical exercise capacity is more effective for burning calories.

The exercise helps to maintain better compliance and nutritional treatment according to several studies, individuals that better able to maintain the weight lost in the long run, they had incorporated regular exercise to their lifestyles.

It is also shown that, after exercise, fat metabolism is increased so that once the session is complete, the body tends to burn more calories, preferably from body fat, even in rest.

The exercise can help to alter the body weight, its composition and basal metabolism, but can also positively affect our health, increasing self-esteem and motivation, reducing anxiety , depression and stress.

Type of physical activity to weight loss
 Is called aerobic exercise the activity whose realization demands continuous oxygen to the body so that the muscle use as fuel mainly our fat reserves.

Aerobic exercises are those dynamic exercises that involve large muscle groups with a long period of work and a moderate intensity.

Exercise and physical activity
There is no perfect exercise to prescribe it to the general population but for this task it is necessary to make a choice based on personal preferences and the availability of means. Some examples are walking, brisk walking , aerobics, cycling, skiing, swimming, dancing.

Frequency of physical activity

The general guidelines for aerobic exercise, is to work with a frequency of 3-5 days per week for 15-60 minutes per session, at an intensity appropriate work to individual capabilities.It is also commonly accepted 150 minutes per week or 30 minutes per day.

In the progression of the program, it should be noted that before increasing exercise intensity, should be increased the duration, which is appropriate for the stage of initiation does not exceed 12-15 minutes per session.

Aerobic exercise intensity
The intensity of aerobic exercise is usually measured relating to the maximum volume of oxygen consumed by the body, as this measure is difficult to establish, is much more common measure such intensity from the number of heartbeats per minute.

 It is generally accepted that the maximum number of beats per minute that supports a healthy heart is about " 220 - age ".

Consider a mild to moderate aerobic exercise performed with an average of between 60% -75 % of maximum heart rate. Any exercise that involving pulse rate above 85 % does not burn fat, but the carbohydrates reserves that are very limited, and is considered anaerobic exercise.

For the prescription of exercise be appropriate, it is advisable to get a medical evaluation beforehand to provide us with data on situations that may pose a risk during the practice exercise.

Decontaminates Your Diet And Your Body


Detoxifying diet

Then we give you tips on what products to incorporate in your diet to decontaminate it and you can enjoy of better health naturally.

Consume organic products. This change can benefit quickly, according to a study by Emory University in Atlanta.

Researchers monitored the urine of subjects that consumed alternatively conventional and organic foods for several days each one. The concentrations of two widely used pesticides dropped to undetectable levels in the organic phase, but returned once conventional foods were reintroduced.

Minimize the caffeine consumption opting for herbal tea or coffee replacers . Beets are an excellent source of phytonutrient called betaine, which helps detoxification of the intestines, blood and liver, and may protect against the harmful effects of alcohol. Beets also provide antioxidant protection.

Cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage and broccoli, contain glucosinolates, which helps detoxify the liver of products chemicals, drugs and pollutants.

The raisins have inulin, a compound that reduces the load on the liver to stimulate the kidneys and cleansing toxins in the intestine. Oats, apples, pears, strawberries, peas and beans provide soluble fiber to absorb toxins in the intestines and escort them out of the body.

Asparagus, avocados, potatoes ( boiled with skin), raw spinach , and nuts are notable sources of glutathione, an essential compound that helps in removing fat soluble toxins. Spinach, broccoli, peas, tomatoes, potatoes and Brussels sprouts provide substantial amounts of alpha -lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant that destroys free radicals, which are byproducts of the detoxification process.

Beans, onion, garlic, red pepper, broccoli and Brussels sprouts contain sulfur compounds that help cleanse the body of disposable neurotransmitters, drugs and hormones.

How To Clean Our Colon With Good Habits


Natural colon cleansing diet

Your colon cleansing can be in minutes. There are lots of methods and some of them may even be in your refrigerator right now. If you read on, you will be closer to that feeling of detoxification.

* Eat more fiber.
Think of it like a broom that sweeps everything in your digestive system - Fiber is one nutrient that is not digested and helps cleanse the intestines. In short, more fiber = more empty colon.

Flax seeds and oats are super sources of fiber, both soluble and insoluble type. Fruits, ie strawberries and apples, vegetables , whole grains and beans are also good sources after all.

Aim for about 20 to 35 grams of fiber a day. You will need your fruit and vegetable intake significantly ( 5 servings a day) and whole grains pack (which comes in 6 ) , but the good news is that these things are delicious, healthy and help you lose weight too.

*  Drink plenty of refreshing water,running water.
 This liquid will do everything in your body to function better. Instead of drinking 8 glasses of eight ounces of water, look at the color of your urine. If it's clear or almost clear yellow, means that is doing a great job, and if it is darker than that, start drinking more !

Alcohol and caffeinated drinks do not count to the total fluid intake; only dehydrate you. For this and other reasons ( empty calories , etc), it is just avoid them.Drinking more can help to relieve constipation, too.

*  Eat more fermented foods.
Amazing right? But not,there are bacteria in fermented foods that are very, very good for you and your colon. Without them, certain nutrients go wrong, the toxins do not degrade, and microorganisms that cause disease can make a home in your digestive system.

Basically, they give to the cells in the colon the energy to do their job.The yogurt , miso , kimchi , and sauerkraut are four examples of fermented foods.

* Kefir and Kombucha tea.
provide good things through the drink,also Sancoche ,Green Broccoli Paso in your diet, at least. Not only gives chlorophyll its green color, but also clean and soften the tissue of the digestive tract.

In addition to providing fiber, vegetables can repair intestines.The lucerne plant, wheat grass, brussels sprouts, spinach , peas and barleygrass are good sources of chlorophyll, also liquid chlorophyll. Through lifestyle changes can also help cleanse the colon.

* Do more physically active.
A low amount of physical activity is a common cause of constipation. Doctors are still not sure why . But blame as the cause of illness in the elderly people.
Just go for a walk every day that counts for physical activity. Also take a trip to the gym is out of the question, the goal is to be more active at home and take the smaller opportunities to burning one calorie here and there.

The Hoax Of Modern Medicine You Should Know


Modern medicine and traditional medicine

The hoax of modern medicine : Seven facts you need to know
Increasingly it seems that the only real disease is believing in pharmaceutical medicine. It's like a kind of madness.

Think that a synthetic chemical product can solve all  problems and put your life in perfect order as those actors that shown in television advertisements for

When it comes to health, our modern world has lost its mind, and the so called science backing it has lost all touch with scientific reality. the modern medicine is a hoax.

Science has been abandoned for marketing. The security has been thrown out the window and has been replaced with potential gains - earnings that going to the coffers of the elite.

Here are the  facts that you must remember about all we are seeing today in modern medicine:

Factor 1 : 90 percent of all diseases;Cancer, diabetes, depression, heart diseases , etc,  are easily preventable through diet, nutrition, sunlight and exercise. None of these solutions are promoted because they do not generate any money.

Factor 2: Almost all consumption of pharmaceuticals today is a direct result of the marketing to the public and secretly bribing doctors to write more prescriptions. There is very little drug consumption based on scientific merit.

Factor 3: There are not pharmaceuticals actually that cure or resolve the underlying causes of the disease. Even " successful" drugs onlycontrolling the symptoms, usually at the expense of interfering with other physiological functions which cause side effects in the process. There is no such thing as a drug without side effects.

Factor 4 : There is no financial incentive for anyone in the current medical system ( pharmaceutical companies , hospitals , doctors, etc. . ) to make that  people are really well. The benefits are in continuous illness, not wellness or prevention.

Factor 5: Practically all " prevention " programs that we see today ( such as free mammograms or other screening programs ) are little more than plans cleverly  disguised  for recruiting patients.

The use free detection to scare people into accepting unnecessary and often expensive treatments that enrich the pharmaceutical companies. The breast cancer mammography is a complete scam : The machines actually cause cancer !

Factor 6: Doctors do not know almost nothing about nutrition and still not teaching them nutrition at schools of medicine. Expecting a doctor to teach you about how to prevent the disease is expecting something like an auto mechanic that show you how to perform a brain surgery.

Although there are some exceptions; doctors who themselves have learned nutrition , the majority of doctors remain nutritionally illiterate because they do not have familiarity with natural plant -based medicines found in fruits and vegetables.

The Melon Nutritional And Healing Properties


Melon benefits and properties

Melon Cucumis belongs to the family of Curcubits, tropical fruits adapted to temperate climates.

Its origin is shrouded in mystery as have found evidence of its existence in very close times in both Asia and Africa. The Romans, through the port of Carthage, introduced in the Iberian Peninsula, it is precisely in the Cartagena countryside where are be found the biggest melon plantations throughout the Region o Murcia, one of the largest producers of Spain.

Some experts think that is native to southern Asia and others attribute his birth to the African continent, in fact there are representations of this fruit in Egyptian tombs 4,400 years ago.

Melon belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae and its botanical name is Cucumis melo L. The varieties covered by the PGI melon  are Saccharinus Naud, with skin  Toad and Yellow types, Cantalupensis Naud, with Galia and Cantaloupe types.

Nutritional and healing properties

The melon is consumed almost throughout the year, bringing its benefits as a moisturizer; it is composed of 80 % water in addition to having the advantage of providing very few calories, being especially useful in diets for weight control or specific control that affect in reducing carbohydrates as in the case of diabetic people.

Thanks to the contribution of vitamin C, the consumption is recommended for people with intolerance to citrus and children during growth and women pregnant.

The melon contains vitamin C and E, niacin , carbohydrates, pantothenic acid, folic acid, fiber, sodium , potassium, magnesium , phosphorus, calcium, iron carotene , thiamine and riboflavin.
The varieties that provide a higher percentage of nutrients are cantaloupe, orange pulp, and Galia melon of smaller size.

* This fruit is considered  antioxidant, diuretic and moisturizing. So is indicated for kidney problems, hypertension, cleansing diets and combat uric acid.

* Helps to relieve stomach heartburn.

* Helps to correct constipation. Generally, a quarter or half of melon, eaten without accompaniment, should cause a discrete bowel movement.

* An effective treatment for liver jaundice with fresh green melons that have not fully matured, they should be consumed regularly along with parsley tea. The tea is left to soak for half an hour, a handful of chopped parsley. Drink after straining it.

* The concentration of minerals, potassium, magnesium and calcium of this fruit are high so it is advisable to use in people with alcoholism problems, behavior disorders, burns, trauma or fever.

Properties Melon - For 100 grams
Energy ( kcal ) : 52.43
Fiber ( g): 0.75
Protein ( g): 0.60
Fat ( g): 0.10
Carbohydrate ( g ) : 13.10
Cholesterol ( mg ) 0.00

Vitamins For every 100 grams
Vitamin B1 ( mg ) 0.05
Vitamin B2 ( mg ) 0.01
Vitamin B6 ( mg): 0.06
Vitamin B12 ( mg ) 0.00
Vitamin C ( mg ) 32.10
Folic acid ( mg ) : 2.70
Vitamin B3 ( mg): 0.58
Vitamin D ( mg ) 0.00
Vitamin E ( mg ) 0.16
Vitamin A ( mg ) : 3.00

Chamomile And Another Different Medicinal Uses

Chamomile medicinal uses (continuation )

* Relieves menstrual pain: Prepare an infusion with 20 grams of chamomile in two liters of water, and put it in a tub of water; for 15 minutes makes a sitz bath.

* Helps digestion and helps expel intestinal gas: Take an infusion prepared with 30 grams of chamomile in one liter of water and take a cup after each meal.

* Nausea and vomiting: Prepare an infusion with 10 grams of chamomile in one liter of water, take three to six hot cups daily.

* Relieves skin conditions, eczema, rashes, dermatitis, blisters, wounds. Prepare a concentrated infusion, with 20 to 50 grams of chamomile in one liter of water, let stand for 10 minutes and filter it before use, apply compresses to the affected area with the hot tea.

* Relaxing: Prepare an infusion with 20 to 50 grams of dried chamomile flowers in a liter of water, let stand for 15 minutes, filter it and rinse with the liquid prepared.

* Helps eliminate nail fungus in hands and feet: One infusion prepared with two teaspoons of chamomile in one cup of water, add the juice of two lemons, wet the nails with the liquid prepared and let this go drying slowly.

For cultivation you can follow these tips:
Chamomile is a plant that adapts to all climates, less too cold. It can be grown in home gardens using containers, crates, or other recipient for growing a plant.

Do not use aluminum or metal cans. Place chamomile seeds at a depth of 2 to 5 mm. and  cover them with finely sifted layer of black potting soil. Place the pot in a bright place and try to keep the land moist, use a watering to prevent the seed drowning.

The seed begins to germinate in 15 days and can make the harvest when the flowers are fully open, this is between two to three months.

Cut the branches with open flowers and place them on a clean piece of brown paper in the shade. When they are dry store them in a brown paper bag, and write on a label or directly its common name and scientific name and collection date.

* Avoid make infusions in aluminum containers.
* It should not be given to children under 2 years, or women pregnant or lactating.
* The chamomile flowers, should not be stored for more than a year because their active ingredients could be lost.
* Avoid drinking chamomile tea for over one month.
* In some people with sensitive skin, it can cause irritation.
* If your discomfort persists, you should see a doctor.

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Chamomile And Its Different Medicinal Uses



It is native to southeastern Europe and Asia. Considered one of the twelve sacred herbs given to humanity and the Egyptians dedicated to the chamomile to Sun God for its healing properties. It was introduced to America by the Spaniards and was quickly incorporated into our tradition of herbal medicine.

Its scientific name is " Matricaria chamomilla " . " Matricaria " comes from the Latin - " Matrix " meaning uterus, and indicates the gynecological properties that the plant owns.

General characteristics of chamomile
Chamomile measures 30 to 60 cm on average. Its stem is branched, smooth and glossy . With long narrow leaves with bright green.

The flowers are at the end of the branches, forming a floral button with a yellow head surrounded by white petals.All the plant releases an aroma that reminiscent to the apples.

The plant mainly concentrate active ingredients in the flower; in this part are considerable proportions of essence, and compounds such as salicylic acid, ascorbic acid, and vitamin C. The branches and leaves too but also have less concentration, so its quality is not the highest.

Chamomile medicinal uses
* Swollen eyelids: Prepare a tea with a spoonful of dried flowers in a glass of water, let it cool and apply a compress, wet gauze on the eyelids for 15 minutes.

Swelling of feet, tiredness: Prepare an infusion of dried flowers; 80 grams in one liter of water and takes a foot bath for 15 minutes and do massage.

* Toothache. Relieves pain caused by tooth decay, prepare a tea with dried plant and performs cold rinses as often as necessary.

* Osteoarthritis Pain : Prepare maceration: put in a dark bottle 2 cups of dried flowers in one liter of olive oil and let stand for four hours, apply a little liquid in the area where pain is present and make frictions. The rest of the maceration can be stored up to one month, with the bottle tightly closed.

* Nasal Catarrh : Prepare an infusion with one or two handfuls of flowers in a bowl in two liters of water,perform vaporizations with the preparation done.

* Sore throat: Prepare a tea with two teaspoons of chamomile flowers in a cup of water, let stand and perform gargles several times a day.

* Relieves headache: Prepare an infusion of flowers; 40 grams per liter of water, and drink 1-5 cups a day.

* Dry mouth. Prepare a tea with a spoonful of dried plant in a cup of water and perform gargles with this tea.

* Relieves hassles of the flu: Heat in a bain marie for two hours 25 grams of flowers in 250 milliliters of vegetable oil. Squeeze to store. This preparation is rubbed on the chest and back.

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Apple Properties And Nutritional Value



Benefits and medicinal properties (continuation)
To reduce fever make a decoction of 60 gr  per liter of water for 15 minutes. Strain and drink 2 glasses a day.

Anti Smoking: A diet only based in apples for a day may help to quit smoking.

Anticancer : By its catechins and quercetin content, two phytochemicals that protect against the effects of free radicals and have powerful anti-cancer properties.

Apples are refreshing and laxatives. An apple every morning is cleansing and every night is a laxative. The water that has been boiled is a nice drink, tasty and very useful  in acute and inflammatory diseases.

Calms burning from thirst and fever, decreases irritation and produces beneficial effects on kidney and bladder facilitating its operation.

Cellular Aging.
The apple has two powerful antioxidants such as catechins and quercetin that act against free radicals that causes cellular aging. This makes the apple beneficial for rejuvenation but also are studying the anticancer properties of these substances.

* Gastritis and Ulcers: The histidine contained in apple stimulates the production of gastric juices, this fruit is beneficial in cases of gastritis and ulcers.

* Insomnia: The apple is used for insomnia because it contains vitamin B12.

* Better Respiratory Capacity: It has been studied that five or more apples a week improves lung function due to antioxidants in this fruit.

* Degenerative diseases prevention: The apple is very good for improving memory and activate brain functions due to its phosphorus content. The nutritional  apple components acting on the health of the brain's neurotransmitters, thus preventing degenerative diseases such as Parkinson 's and Alzheimer's.

Nutritional Information
Serving Size: 1 medium apple with skin (150 g )

* Calories: 80
* Water: 132 g
* Total Carbohydrates: 21.3 g
* Total Sugars: 16 g
* Sucrose: 3.2 g
* Glucose: 3.7 g
* Fructose: 9.1 g
* Fiber: 3.7 g
* Protein: 0.4 g
* Fat: 0.2 g
* Cholesterol: 0 g
* Sodium: 2 mg
* Potassium: 165 mg
* Calcium: 9 mg
* Vitamin C: 7 mg
* Vitamin B9 : 5- mcg
* Beta-carotene 42 mcg
* Lutein Zeaxanthin : 45 mcg
* Phytosterols : 18mg.

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Apple A Fruit With Medicinal Properties



Shape: oval , sometimes elongated rounded contour.
Taste, aroma and different quality. Bright skin and smooth.
Color: green, red, yellow and bicolor.
Size : between 7 to 10 cm and sometimes more.
Weight: 100 to 270 grams.
Pulp: hard or soft, juicy, from sweet to sour and flavor depends on the variety.
The cooling is controlled to prevent water loss and skin wrinkling.

Nutritional properties

85% of its weight is water. Carbohydrates are predominantly fructose and to a lesser quantity, glucose and sucrose. It is rich in fiber, especially ideal for improving intestinal transit. It has little amount of vitamin C and E  that are important antioxidants.

It is rich in phytonutrients, flavonoids and quercetin. According as is consumed, can act as a laxative or astringent: raw and with skin  is ideal for constipation because its insoluble fiber from skin is used to improve intestinal transit.

But as it is rich in soluble fiber like pectin that is characterized by retaining water ,peeled and grated is very beneficial to slow intestinal transit in diarrhea cases. It is also rich in tannin that acts as an astringent and tannin and anti-inflammatory.This tanins are responsible for darkening of the pulp when it is grated or cut into small pieces and left in contact with air.


Raw as fruit, salads with other fruits or vegetables, sauces, compotes , jams , cakes, jelly, smoothies, baked. To prevent that peeled apple be darkening, it is rubbed with a lemon pulp. With apple elaborate cider, wine, spirits ( apple brandy), apple cider vinegar, which has fewer acetic acid than wine, so it is better tolerated.

Apple medicinal uses
Anticatarrhal : If cough or bronchi, and when you have loaded the chest, this plant is very suitable for its expectorant values and propertis. Infusion of 15 g of dried flowers per liter of water. Take three cups a day.

Anticholesterol : The methionine, its highcontent in phosphorus and rich in soluble fiber are essential in controlling cholesterol.

Hypotensive: The vasodilator value of the histidine make it a good ally to lower blood pressure in hypertension. Infusion of a spoonful of dried flowers and leaves per cup of water. Let stand 10 minutes and drink two glasses a day.

Sedative : By its phosphorus content, it is a food with sedatives values that are very suitable for taking it before bedtime, which helps you sleep better.

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Tangerine A Fruit With Nourishing Properties



Fruit of the Mandarin, with characteristics similar to the orange tree, but smaller and more delicate. It is a citrus belonging to the family Rutaceae.

Because of its small size and ease of removing your skin is one of the most prized fruits. It can be eaten fresh, used for decorating desserts and cakes, as ingredient in salads, juices and smoothies.

General Characteristics

Shape : Spherical, slightly flattened.
Size: between 4 and 7 cm.
Weighing:  between 50 and 100 grams.
Color: both shell and flesh, orange and some orange varieties reddish orange.

Its bark is rough and generally does not adhere to the fruit, although there are some varieties that do, and its pulp is divided into 8-10 parts. The pulp is sweet and juicy.

Nutritional properties

Low calories for its rich water. Significant amount of fiber , especially in the white pulp that overlying cortex. Provides vitamin C, but less amount than orange, but provides more beta carotene and vitamin B9 than other citrus. Has like the other citrus, significant amounts of potassium ,magnesium and citric acid.

The requirement for vitamin C increases in smoking, alcoholism , pregnancy, lactation and stress, intense sports , patients with cancer, AIDS and infectious diseases, for this reason is recommended its consumption.Since its high potassium content and low sodium is highly recommended for hypertension (pressure high ) pressure.

Tangerine provides significant amounts of vitamin C , important antioxidant that strengthens our immune system. Also favoring the absorption iron.

Of its vitamin content also excels folic acid and provitamin A. Provides fiber, which helps to improve our digestive processes and has an effect of filling. It also provides us minerals such as potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.


Like fresh raw fruit, juices and smoothies, decorating cakes, mousses and gels , to elaborate ice cream, jams, liqueurs,etc.

Nutritional Information

Serving size: 1 medium, peeled tangerine (100 g ) provides:
* Calories: 53
* Water: 85 g
* Total Carbohydrates: 13.3 g
* Total Sugars : 10.6 g
* Sucrose: 6.1 g
* Glucose: 2.1 g
* Fructose: 2.4 g
* Fiber: 1.8 g
* Protein: 0.8 g
* Fat: 0.3 g
* Cholesterol: 0 g
* Sodium: 2 mg
* Potassium: 166 mg
* Calcium: 37 mg
* Magnesium: 12 mg
* Vitamin C: 26 mg
* Vitamin B9 : 16 mcg
* Beta-Carotene : 155 mcg
* Lutein + Zeaxanthin: 138 mcg

Hydrating drink post sport:
Tangerine juice, water, sodium bicarbonate and sugar . Replaces the minerals and liquid post physical activity, avoiding dehydration and muscle injuries.

Mallow Essential Applications And Properties


Mallow (Malve)

Mallow is a shrub that is abundant in some courtyards and gardens of Salento . It is a common species cultivated in cold weather.

It belongs to the Malvaceae family and is native to Eurasia. It is a herbaceous plant between perennial and biannual, very hairy stem and fusiform root. From the axils of its alternate leaves sprout flowers of pinkish color, petals veined in violet color.

Is used in infusion, gargles or vaporizations to treat various respiratory problems, mallow has benefits against bronchitis, you can make tea from this plant. This infusion can drink between 2-3 times a day. Also  you can complement all of these properties, performing  gargles for throat and ears nflammation.

Applications and Properties
Mallow mainly contains mucilage, tannins, organic pigments , acids and vitamin C. The mucilage facilitate healing internal wounds, mucosal lesions and stomach ulcers. Is used in the treatment of bronchitis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, stomach, intestine, and as a mild laxative.

External use
Mallow against ulcers, burns and rashes; emollient action is very useful for application in poultices against furuncles and softening of lumps.

* Mallow oil against bites and burns.
Boil a handful of mallow leaves in a cup of water and crush them with a little olive oil. Apply to the affected area.

Method of use
The leaves are used, the parts of the plant are collected at any time, preferably during the winter. Prepare a boiling drink of  the leaves in water, milk or sugar water as infusion.

* For sensitive skin: It is very soothing to the skin. To relax the skin prepare compresses by wetting a clean soft cloth in mallow tea and apply to the sensitive area. This will eliminate toxins and reduce inflammation. Mallow also helps to close the tissues and increases resistance to infections.

* For inflammation of the sinuses: To reduce swelling in the sinuses apply warm compresses in the swollen breasts.

* For earache: To relieve inflammation and earache, boil four teaspoons of mallow in a cup of water. Pour the mixture into a bowl and place your ear on this until the liquid is cool. Cover the head with a towel so that the vapors do not escape.

* For coughs and sore throats: To relieve cough, bronchitis and cold symptoms slowly drink several cups of tea mallow. Use two ounces of mallow in a cup of hot water.

* For Hemorrhoids: To relieve hemorrhoids and acelerate its healing make a tea with two to four teaspoons of mallow in a cup of boiling water. Wash with cold tea every day.

* To prepare the tea use 1-2 teaspoons of  leaves and flowers' mallow in a cup of boiling water and cover the cup or teapot letting it repose for 10-15 minutes and drain it. Drink 3 cups daily. To use the tea in compresses use 2-4 teaspoons per cup of boiling water and let cool.

Plantain Another Benefits For Health

Plantain benefits and uses ( continuation )

* Liver: Wash and crush three leaves of plantain , add lemon juice , strain and drink with empty stomach. Do it for three days.

* Foot Fungus: Apply to the affected part hot plantain leaves ( tucked in boiling water ) alternating them with crushed raw garlic. Then dry your feet well.

* Swollen glands: Prepare plantain leaves 30 grams, 500 ml of water, do gargles.

* Colon inflammation : Infusion of one teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of water. Take three cups a day.

Bowel Inflammation: Infusion of one teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of water. Take three cups a day.

* Laryngitis: Crush the plant, filtering the liquid. Mix equal parts with sugar, dissolving it in a bain marie. Three tablespoons daily. No heat, keep it cold . Also make an infusion of dried leaves at 5% . Take three cups a day.

* Wounds Caused by Infections : Perform rinses with liquid from the infusion of one teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of water. We can swallow the liquid.

* Eyes: Relieves tired eyes, red or inflamed eyes . Decoction 5 tablespoons of dried leaves per liter of water for ¼ hour. Take an eye bath.

* Otitis : Reduces inflammation and eliminates bacteria that cause ear pain. Crush a tender leaf and pour a few drops of juice inside.

* Insect Bites : Reduces swelling and itching caused by insect bites and promotes healing. Apply fresh juice of plantain.

* Burn or Sunburn : Apply a poultice with crushed fresh leaves on the burn.

* Skin regeneration: Use a simple fresh plantain leaf, washed and applied to the wound.

* Rupture of small veins: Infusion of a spoonful of dried plant per cup of water. Drink three cups a day.

* Due to its chemical composition, plantain contains medicinal properties that can be exploited efficiently in global markets for natural health products.

* In traditional medicine  is used for diseases of the kidneys and control for diabetes. The plantain fresh juice is an excellent purifier in skin impurities.

* Cataracts: Apply a drop of plantain collyrium 3 times a day . Use it  until heal, if expels dirt is by its cleaning power. Often is irritating but cure.

Collyrium preparation

Clear glass jar with lid. Take 15 or 20 fresh plantain leaves, wash and dry. Introduce them into the jar attached by a thread to avoid falling into the bottom of the bottle. Place in the sun. The resulting liquid is packaged in a dropper bottle.This drops are special to cure cataracts.

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Plantain Another Benefits And Uses

Plantain uses and benefits (continuation)

Astringent: It's healing, anti-inflammatory and anti-haemorrhagic. Infusion of one teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of water. Take three cups a day.

 *Irritated mouth: Perform rinses with liquid from the infusion of one teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of water. We can swallow the liquid.

* Bronchitis: Crush the plant, filtering the liquid. Mix equal parts with sugar, dissolving it in a bain marie.

Three tablespoons daily. No heat, keep it cold. Also make an infusion of dried leaves at 5%. Take three cups a day.

* Cancer: Relieves cancer. Take plantain juice constantly. Boil 50 grams of plantain for a minute and manage four cups per day.

* Cuts or Wounds: Use a simple fresh plantain leaf, well washed and applied on the wound.

Diarrhea: Infusion of one teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of water. Take three cups a day.

* Diuretic : Suited in diets. Take a couple of tablespoons plantain juice daily. Infusion of a spoonful of dried plant per cup of water. Drink one cup a day.

* Throat pain : Perform rinses with liquid from the infusion of one teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of water. We can swallow the liquid.

* Toothache : Apply to the inflamed area a plantain leaf that has been previously soaked in a pot of boiling water, then switch when cooling.

* Painful and Bleeding Gums: Apply to the affected area a plantain leaf previously soaked in boiled water.

* Constipation: Fighting constipation. Take 1-3 tablespoons of psyllium plantain seed daily mixed with water. A couple of liters as a minimun. If no take enough water, it can cause bowel obstruction. Do not take if produces allergy.

* Pharyngitis: Crush the plant, filtering the liquid. Mix equal parts with sugar, dissolving it in a double boiler. Three tablespoons daily. No heat, keep it cold . Also make an infusion of dried leaves at 5% . Take three cups a day.

* Anal Fistula: Helps heal anal fistulae. Infusion of one spoonful of dried plant per cup of water. Drink three cups a day.

* Bleeding Annals: Caused by hemorrhoids. Infusion of one spoonful of dried plant per cup of water. Drink three cups a day.

* Hemostatic : Promotes wound clotting, preventing bleeding thereof. Infusion of a spoonful of dried plant per cup of water. Drink three cups a day.

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Plantain Benefits Properties And Uses


Plantain (Plantago major)

Name : Plantago major L.
Family: Plantaginaceae.
Genre: Plantago.
Species: major.

General Description
The plantain, a herbaceous plant which abounds in orchards, wetlands, grasslands, field boundaries and embankments. The whole plant is useful, although the aerial parts are preferred. The leaves are big as the sole of the foot, born at ground level and develops vertically. Light green in color,join to the stem by a long petiole.

On the underside include seven parallel veins very robust. From the same point where start the leaves few flower stalks arise whose upper half is covered with small flowerets stalkless, abundant, forming as a reddish brush. The fruit is a small capsule which when ripe, opens transversely dropping the seeds that containing.

Cosmopolitan . Introduced from Europe and feral.

Active components: Both the leaves and flowers and stems have a glucoside, aucubin, along with tannins and minerals, and also is rich in sulfur. The seeds contain abundant mucilage and lots of oils.

Extensive researchs performed on these species, have found the presence of the following substances.

Glycosides aucubin, catalpol and asperuloside, found in P. lanceolata.If the plantain is not dried properly, acquires a dark color, which is due to a dark brown polymer which forms the aucubin after hydrolyzed.

Mucilage : Composed by polysaccharide of glucomannan type,rhamnogalacturonan and arabinogalactan.
Phenolic acids: p- hydroxybenzoic acid, syringic, gentisic, caffeic, ferulic, and p- hydroxyphenylacetic.
Tannins - flavonoids, such as apigenin, luteolin and escutellarina.Silicic acid, mineral salts of potassium and zinc, and other compounds routinely tannins, alkaloids, oils, resins, steroids, aminated base and sulfur compounds.

With plantain have made significant pharmacological investigations to assess some of its medicinal properties. There are reports of non-routine work, where are realize positive results in the treatment of malignant gastric lesions. Its main virtue is the anti-inflammatory and emollient effect produced by seeds.

Other plantain health benefits:
Use to treat gastritis and digestive ulcers is supported by clinical studies.

* Softens the skin.
* It shrinks and hardens the organic tissues.
* Destroy germs from the skin or mucous membranes.
* Clean the blood of impurities and other bodily humors.

Useful parts:
The whole plant and leaves are used.

Hoarseness : Perform rinses with liquid from the infusion of one teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of water. We can swallow the liquid .

* Respiratory system : Soothes the respiratory mucous, kills microorganisms that cause diseases of the respiratory system. Perform rinses with liquid from the infusion of one teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of water. We can swallow the liquid.

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Lentils Its Nutritional Components


Lentils health benefits

Have high levels of phosphorus, so it helps to have greater physical strength , ideal for athletes. This mineral also helps to improve the functions of  brain The lentils offer half the amount of phosphorus that need us daily.

They are a source of vegetable protein ( deficient in methionine), starch,calcium, iron but despite its fame, are not those with the highest concentration between the leguminous, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus.

Vitamin content is low, include vitamin K and some folates. It is also important its soluble and insoluble fiber content;although in lower concentrations than in other legumes,which encourages intestinal transit and helps fight constipation, and contribute to the prevention of various diseases. The lipid content is very low.

Have low concentrations of antinutritional components as saponins , phytates tannins which produce beneficial effects.

Vitamins present in lentils:
Vitamin For every 100g

Vitamin C      4.5 mg
Vitamin B1    0.87 mg
Vitamin B2    0.20 mg
Vitamin B3    2.62 mg
Vitamin B5    2.16 mg
Vitamin B6    0.55 mg
Vitamin B12      0 mg
Vitamin B9    0.48 mg
Vitamin B7     97 mg
Vitamin E       0.5 mg
Vitamin D          0 mg
Vitamin K      0.0045 mg

Nutrient Per 100g
Calcium 57mg
Iron 7.50mg
Magnesium 123mg
Phosphorus 450mg
Potassium 950mg
Sodium 6mg
Zinc 4.78mg
Copper 0.520mg
Manganese 1.35mg
Selenium 0.0087mg

To buy lentils.
• Look lentils that come in plastic bags of one pound . Lentils are available whole or split.

• The most common types of lentils are green or brown . Also are there red , orange, yellow or black.

• Check the lentils in the best way you can. Make sure they are not cracked . Should be clean, without sdirt, waste or mildew.

To store lentils
• Store lentils in a completely sealed container . Keep in a cool , dry, dark place.

• Eat them within a period of one year.

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Lentils Nutritional Value And Properties


Lentil benefits and varieties

Plant of the legume family (Leguminosae Juss. ) from the subfamily Papilionaceae, species Lens culinaris, Lens esculenta . It is native fromcountries of southwest Asia ( Turkey, Syria, Iraq) , from where it spread quickly throughout the countries of the Mediterranean.

The oldest remains of its cultivation date back to 6600. of C. makes it one of the oldest foods cultivated by man for almost 9000 years of antiquity. They were widely used by the Egyptians who considered it a basic food and later by the Greeks and Romans.

They served to food to people throughout the Middle Ages. Currently it is a plant widely cultivated in all temperate regions, since it is easy to harvest, promotes the regeneration of land to alternate their crop with cereals and is rich in energy, cheap, easy to preserve and can be combined with all kinds of food. The main world producers are Turkey and India.

It is a messy palnt with pinnate leaves ending in tendrils. Form small flowers with petals of white color, light blue or purple and arranged in small bunches and is annual.

Lentil varieties

For consumption two varieties are grown: one produces small brown seeds and the other yellow and larger, although there are numerous types of lentils that are classified by seed color: green or verdina lentils, small size and color green or yellowish green with blackish spot; calling the lentejón, lentils blondes or queen, among which are the Spanish blonde and blonde Armuña , yellow lentils, Asian , lentils oranges, which are a staple in the Arab World ; brown lentils or pardinas, originating in India, very fine and very suitable for making purees and blue green lentils, grown in volcanic areas.

Dry seeds are consumed and are the only legumes that must not be soaked in water to hydrate them. Just when cooking, cover them with cool water to prevent dry skin and come off.

Nutritional assessment
Per 100 grams:

Calories: 336 Kc only , so we could call as "light" food. Proteins .  They provide 25 gr. protein , equivalent to 160 gr of meat or wholemeal bread. This is its most striking quality.

Fiber . Contributes 12 % of the necessary fiber, which gives a high ease fordigestion, long as we cook them with vegetables.

Fat: 25 gr.Carbohydrates: 54 gr. Iron: . 8.6 mg , three times that meat, hence its deserved fame. Combining them with fruits rich in vitamin C, in the dessert or  salad with peppers, promotes its absorption. Iron is essential for physical activity and good mood.

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Healthy Remedies With Lemongrass


Lemongrass properties and benefits

This plant is native to Sri Lanka and the Seychelles islands, enough is known in some countries, thanks to the growing popularity of Thai and Indian cuisines, which a fresh Lemongrass brings them  a particular aroma.

Lemongrass is an herb with multiple elongated and thin green leaves, that when drying become somewhat reddish. It has a very pleasant characteristic flavor very similar  to soft lemon. Also is used in the manufacture of confectionery, liquors and perfumes.

Properties of lemongrass:

* The oils extracted from lemongrass have a very good effect as an alternative therapy to eradicate Bactria elicobacter pylori.

* Prevents tooth decay: Rubbing the lemongrass leaves in the teeth

* From lemongrass is obtained the essential oil called Citronella.

* It is digestive, ideal for good  digestion.

* In infusion is used as a special aromatic tonic for fever.

* It is an excellent antiseptic, digestive and circulatory tonic.

Uses in Traditional Medicine : An infusion of the leaves is used as stomachic , diaphoretic ,digestive, stimulant, carminative, antiseptic, hypotensive, broncholytic , insect repellent, hypoglycemic, antipyretic and relieve colds including bronchial catarrh, difficult digestion, weak stomach, intestinal laziness, flatulence, flu, neuralgia, influenza, malaria , asthma and rheumatism.

Lemongrass tea recipe
Put 4 cups of water in a pot to boil.
Add 10-12 pieces of lemongrass.
Boil the leaves and  water for 10 minutes over medium heat.
Lemongrass tea is good hot or cold to take it in the morning or at night.

Special Remedies lemongrass

To improve circulation
Mix 3 lavender , 3 drops of rosemary essential oil and 2 drops of lemongrass in 4 teaspoons of olive oil. To massage the affected areas.

For muscle aches
Mix 5 drops cardamom , 2 drops of lemongrass essential oil and 3 drops rosemary 20 ml of olive oil. Do massage the affected areas.

To reduce fever
One tablespoon of lemon grass leaves in 1 cup water , bring to boil . Cover and let cool . Take 1 cup every half hour until the temperature begins to drop.

Lemon Its Important Essentiall Properties For Health


Lemon: another benefits for health

Feet: A good way to relax your tired and swollen feet is perform  massages with a good foot cream in which has been dissolved a little lemon juice.

One good way to regenerate the nails, making them stronger, is performing bathrooms lemon juice for a few minutes each day to the get up and before going to bed.

Wrinkles: Lemon, by its richness in vitamin E, is a good antioxidant. We can make a preparation may be based on lemon and a sprig of parsley to remove wrinkles.

Let stand a lemon slice and a sprig of parsley in a glass of water overnight. The next morning wet your face with this mixture until dry naturally.

Another interesting preparation is to mix a few drops of lemon with a tablespoon of warm honey and other of yogurt. Stir well and apply a cream on the face for 3 /4 hour . Then wash your face well.

Yellow spots of snuff: Well suited to clean the yellow stains of nicotine snuff  in the nails. Squeeze a lemon, add a few drops of juice in a cup with powdered sugar.Scrub your fingernails with this mixture. Very suitable to give consistency to the nails when they are fragile or brittle. Mix lemon juice with 50% iodine and wet ails several times a day until they have strengthened.

Chilblains: As good astringent, promotes healing of chilblains and prevents infection.Rub a lemon on the affected area.

Tonsillitis and otitis : With the emergence of tonsillitis or sore throat , it may be useful make gargles with juice. Similarly, we can use lemon juice applied with cotton soaked inside the ear when we feel pain in this area.

Rheumatism : To relieve joint pain caused by rheumatic diseases is possible friction with the essential oil in the affected areas.

Vaginal itch and scrotum : Becaus its antiseptic properties, the lemon juice can be used to combat the itching of the genital tract, especially one that focuses on the vagina and the scrotum. Wash affected area with lemon juice.

Benefits of taking lemon juice fasting :

* Helps in weight Loss
* Strengthens the immune system and prevent colds and flus
* Detoxification of the liver and helps the functioning of the gallbladder
* Improves digestion
* Keeps healthy skin

Other Uses
In the kitchen lemon is used to decorate and flavor many dishes. This is commonly used with fish and salads.

Appears in addition to many cocktails which gives them its flavor and digestive properties. It is special as the first component in the manufacture of lemonade drink; highly recommended whenever be natural and preferably homemade, to remove the thirst and for all its medicinal properties for health.

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Lemon A Fruit With Multiple Properties That Can Not Miss


Lemon its multiple properties for health

To combat these ailments is very useful the lemon diet cure, which involves taking the lemon juice diluted in water. Increase the dose gradually, adding a lemon daily up to 11 or 12. Reverse the process to get back to a daily lemon.

Respiratory System: The respiratory conditions, the essential oil components provide very useful antibacterial and expectorant properties in healing of colds and flus. The alpha pinene is also a major anti flu, so it is very appropriate to take lemon juice in the presence of this disease.

Lemon juice is also very useful to quench thirst and remove the fever when there is a fever or when the temperature is very high.

Circulatory system: In addition to being a good heart tonic, prevent angina, helps in blood circulation, prevents cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, combat atherosclerosis and stimulates the formation of red blood cells and is very suitable in the treatment of anemia.

Diuretic: By stimulating amount of caffeine or the same ascorbic acid, can be used as a diuretic in the treatment of obesity, to increase urination, removing body fluid.

Impotence: Increases sexual power, is very useful in cases of impotence. Take lemon juice at will.

Insomnia:  Juice lemon combined with a couple of tablespoons of honey mixed in warm water before going to bed helps to sleep.

Anticancer: The main components of the essential oil , mentioned above , have anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties, preventing the formation of cancer cells and helping to not occur metastases in the event that the disease has already developed.
Lemon juice is recognized as a good antioxidant and alkalizing, so it helps torestore cellular balance.

External use
Halitosis, and tooth decay : Its antibacterial properties is adequate to eliminate bad breath and protect the mouth against infections that produce gums inflammation. Equally is useful in the treatment of mouth sores.

For its antiseptic properties, the lemon juice can be used to combat bacterial infections caused by irritation in the throat, making gargling with lemon juice.

Nail fungus: For its antibacterial properties it is appropriate to remove fungus from fingernails or toenails. Dip your nails with lemon juice, letting it dries out gradually.

Skin: Lemon juice is well suited to combat skin impurities, forming one of the best astringents. A pair of daily applications over the facial acne.A couple of daily applications over the pimples, blackheads,blemishes, etc. . helps to the disappearance of these.

Similarly the alpha terpineol and ascorbic acid fruit are very recognized very suitable in healing of sores or wounds or insect bites. In addition, we can use the essence diluted in water to produce the same effect.

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Lemon A Fruit Essentially Medicinal That Can Not Miss


Lemon health benefits

Common Name: Lemon
Scientific name: Citrus Limonum.
Family: Rutaceae.

Habitat: Cultivated for its fruits and as a garden tree in warm areas near the Mediterranean sea. Probably derives from the species Citrus medica L , native from India.

Evergreen tree of the family Rutaceae. Toothed, lanceolate or elliptical leaves, finished in tip. Flowers with white petals with pink inside and ends. The fruit is a hesperidium to 12.5 cm, thick crust and a strong yellow when is fully ripe.

Active constituents.

The main components are :

* Flavonoids.

* Acid : Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C ), citric , caffeic.

* Essential oil: rich in Isopulegol aalfa bergamoteneo, alpha pinene, alpha- terpinene, alpha tujeno, beta bisabolene, beta bergamotene, beta phellandrene, citral, limonene and sabinene, ( in fruit , mainly California Lemons ).

* Caffeine

* Pectin

* Minerals: potassium and calcium.

Lemon juice food composition.
For 100 gr  Lemon we have:

* Water 91 gr

* Protein 0.38 gr

* Calories 24 kcal

* Fiber 0.5 g

* Potassium 124 mg

* Calcium 7 mg

* Phosphorus 6 mg

* Magnesium 6 mg

* Vitamin C 46 mg

Medicinal properties:
Gastrointestinal :In cases of intestines too prone to excessive defecation, it helps to stop diarrhea. at the same time has anti - ulcer properties that help to eliminating the gastric acidity.

Very suitable in hepatic failure, stimulate the liver.Take lemon juice at will. For poor digestion we can prepare bark maceration with alcohol 80 ° and take about 5 gr. daily.

Antiscorbutic and Nutritional : - Very high in vitamin C , so it has great antiscorbutic properties and mineralizing, being very rich in potassium and calcium.

Its ability to regenerate white blood cells makes it very suitable to enhance the body's defenses, preventing many diseases.

Antimigraine: When blood  constrict the pericranial vessels, the caffeine, besides being stimulant, relieves headaches, proving particularly useful in cases of migraine.

This component has in tea most higher proportion,appears in smaller proportions in the leaves of other plants such as cocoa, cola , coffee and in the flowers of some citrus and orange or lemon.

Depurative : Ascorbic acid and limonene conferred cleansing properties , making it an excellent remedy for rheumatism, arthritis, gout,cholesterol , atherosclerosis and uric acid. It is a fruit with urine alkalizing properties making it ideal for preventing the formation of kidney stones.

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Lettuce Its Nutritional Properties For Health


Lettuce nutritional values and properties

• Respiratory system:  lettuce leaves decoctions are interesting for the affections of the respiratory system, helping to fight asthma attacks and bronchial spasms.

If left glean plant can exploit the flower stems to the same decoctions with properties more outstanding  that the leaves.

To combat cough, can be made a syrup by cooking 150g of  fresh leaves and  boil for a quarter of an hour. The resulting mixture is added a cup of sugar. It is stored in a closed jar to take hot a couple of glasses on the day.

We can also make a decoction of leaves in water and add the  lemon juice. We drink a couple of glasses a day, one before going to bed.

• Female genital tract: in cases of dysmenorrhea, to promote menstruation, avoiding pain or very long periods, can be performed an infusion  for half an hour of 100 g of fresh leaves per liter of water and drink 2or 3 cups a day.

Properties for external use:
• Analgesic: External use has emollient properties which can be used to alleviate the pain caused by bumps, sprains, strains,bruises, etc.

• Eye drops: Can be used as eye drops to treat conjunctivitis,bleary,rheum, tired eyes etc. For this we must boil for 6 minutes 50 gr of leaves in a pint of water with a few drops of oil, let cool and with gauze, we get wet the sore eyes.

• Natural Deodorant : To prevent foot and underarm odor, the lettuce juice, like radish, constitutes in one of the best  naturaldeodorants. Extract the juice of lettuce and we will keep in the fridge.After bathing, get wet feet or armpits with some juice.

Lettuce is a food that should not miss in our tables usually. In addition to the above properties, we must consider that its low content in fat and carbohydrates and high content in water, which gives it a caloric power of only 13 kcal per 100 g . It is very suitable and recommended for diets.

Its richness in minerals, especially potassium, which is very necessary for maintain an adequate level of fluid in the body, along with calcium and phosphorus makes it particularly suitable for correct welfare bones.

It also presents a series of not very common trace elements within the vegetable world, such as selenium, an antioxidant that plays a fundamental role in preventing certain types of cancers, such as colon, prostate or lungs. It also prevents premature aging and even helpsfight dandruff.

It contains many amino acids necessary for the formation of proteins,some, such as alanine, sometimes necessary for the construction of the muscular tissue and nervous, others, such as glycine, to the proper functioning of immune system.

 It has vitamins C and E, but above all it is very rich in beta carotene, which the liver turns into vitamin A. It is convenient to eat fresh, so for not lose its nutritional and medicinal properties. We have to account that the inner leaves, although they may be more palatable, have fewer components than the outer leaves of stronger green.

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Lettuce Its Nutritional And Medicinal Values


Lettuce properties and benefits

The origin center of lettuce is located in the Mediterranean basin.The first certain indications of lettuce existence dating from about 4,500 BC in engravings from Egyptian tombs  are represented, similar to that known today as asparagus lettuce types.

It was also known and used by the ancient Persians, Greeks and Romans, who even developed the technique of whitening.

The parts in that consists lettuce are:
Root: the root, which never comes to exceed 25 cm. depth, is pivotal , and short branches.
Leaves: The leaves are arranged in rosettes, deployed at first, and in some cases continue throughout their development. The edge of the limbs can be smooth, wavy or serrated.

Stem: is cylindrical and branched. Inflorescence: Are yellow flower heads that are arranged in clusters.

Seeds: are provided with a feathery pappus.

Nutritional Value
Lettuce is a food that provides very few calories, high water content (90-95 % ), vitamins, minerals like potassium and magnesium along with fiber required for intestinal function.

The outer leaves of darker color are the more nutritious than the whitish inside. Romaine lettuce grown in the open air is richer in vitamins.
Raw is the best way to enjoy its freshness, palatability and nutritional value.
The toughest leaves can be cooked like any other vegetable.

Medicinal Properties
• Diuretic: Stimulates urination, so it is appropriate in those cases where it is necessary to stimulate the kidneys to increase urine output, in diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, dropsy ( fluid accumulation in the body with swelling of tissues), edema, kidney pain, kidney stones, kidneyfailure, inflammation of the urinary bladder or cystitis,etc.

Also is used as a support in diets that helping to lower blood sugar, by removing corporal liquids.Decoction 50% of lettuce leaves for 10 minutes. Take a couple of glasses a day.

• Gastrointestinal : Lettuce has carminative properties, freeing to the body of the annoying flatulence avoiding the feeling of fullness in the stomach and abdomen. Drink the liquid prior decoction.The same preparation is stomachicand helps facilitate digestion and protect the stomach relieving it of intestinal inflammation.

• Circulatory system: Improves circulation, prevents atherosclerosis and reduces cholesterol.

• Sedative: Lettuce has a calming effect. It helps to calm the nerves, control palpitations and sleep better at night, preventing insomnia.It is advisable take a good lettuce salad with olive oil before going to bed.

This property is increased if we take a 50% decoction of  lettuce leaves and we take a couple of glasses a day, morning and before go to bed.
The components that give this property is the lactucin, one of the main components of lettuce juice.

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